Hartley Wintney Golf Club

Digital Diary


February 2025

Sat 1st

Mixed Leslie White Memorial Charity Stableford Saturday
Tee Opens at 7.38am
10th Tee - 07:30 to 07:30
1st Tee - 07:30 to 07:30

Sun 2nd

Mixed Leslie White Memorial Charity Stableford Sunday
Ladies Stableford Q
Tee Opens at 7.38am
10th Tee - 07:30 to 07:30
1st Tee - 07:30 to 07:30

Mon 3rd

Seniors Roll Up
10th Tee - 08:18 to 08:58
1st Tee - 08:18 to 08:58
10th Tee - 10:18 to 10:58
1st Tee - 10:18 to 10:58

Tue 4th

Mens Midweek Stableford (Q)

Wed 5th

Ladies Fun Competition

Thu 6th

Fri 7th

Quiz Night Clubhouse

Sat 8th

Ladies Alt MacMillan Trophy Q
Mixed English Blind Golf Charity Stableford Saturday

Sun 9th

Mixed English Blind Golf Charity Stableford Sunday

Mon 10th

Seniors Roll Up
10th Tee - 08:18 to 08:58
1st Tee - 08:18 to 08:58
10th Tee - 10:18 to 10:58
1st Tee - 10:18 to 10:58

Tue 11th

Wed 12th

Ladies 9 Hole Stableford Q
Ladies MacMillan Trophy Q

Thu 13th

Fri 14th

Mixed Senior Stableford Q

Sat 15th

Mens February Stableford Q Day 1

Sun 16th

Mens February Stableford Q Day 2
Ladies Extra Stableford Q

Mon 17th

Seniors Roll Up Malcolms Trophy Q
10th Tee - 08:18 to 08:58
1st Tee - 08:18 to 08:58
10th Tee - 10:18 to 10:58
1st Tee - 10:18 to 10:58

Tue 18th

Wed 19th

Ladies Fun Competition

Thu 20th

Charity Bridge Event Lunch

Fri 21st

Sat 22nd

Mens Summer Knock Outs Commence
Ladies Stableford Q
Mixed HASAG Charity Stableford Q Saturday

Sun 23rd

Mixed HASAG Charity Stableford Q Sunday
Tee Opens at 7.38am
10th Tee - 07:30 to 07:30
1st Tee - 07:30 to 07:30

Mon 24th

Seniors Roll Up
10th Tee - 08:18 to 08:58
1st Tee - 08:18 to 08:58
10th Tee - 10:18 to 10:58
1st Tee - 10:18 to 10:58

Tue 25th

Wed 26th

Ladies Stableford Q
Ladies 9 Hole Stableford Q

Thu 27th

Fri 28th